Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog Goals

Why is it I write this? I've wavered back and forth as to what I want to achieve with this blog. Mostly I've wanted to use it as an outlet for my creations I believe. Also though it's been the occasional place to vent frustrations. I know my readership is tiny. I think there are maybe 2 of you out there but maybe just maybe that will increase one day.

My perpetual problem with writing regularly is the dreaded work-life balance. You know I think someone coined phrase years ago just as a mockery. Sometimes I don't think it's even possible to accomplish it for any average person in America today. You always end up making sacrifices of things you always said you never would. I think I'm even more crazy trying to make a balance of work-work-life. Maybe it's idealistic but I've always thought I'd have a bit more time once the kids get older or maybe I need to make my life more portable, save up for a tablet so I can blog and cook at the same time. I think that's a valid excuse to by one.

Well no matter what I'm proud I've done an entry every day this week. I have a few projects I did in the past that I've never written about so maybe I'll feature one tomorrow. Actually better yet maybe I should make a regular Friday thing of featuring some other blog/project I have found online I find worth sharing. Actually I think that's a great idea. We'll go with that one. :) So for tomorrow something that has inspired me.

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