I've been up to a lot recently and unfortunately the blog has taken a toll because of it. Earlier in the weekend I presented a poster at a conference for the first time in Gainesville, and was away from home overnight, another first. It went really well and I'm very proud of myself, my company and my Hubby for how he held down the fort while I was away. It seems dinner consisted of chicken nuggets, frozen veggies and probably tater tots for him and Lil' R both but I've served the same thing myself before. It was hot so he did a great job. Household work still got done too. Really when I got home it was just like any other evening. No major catastrophes. The only thing crazy was our dog who seems almost had panic attacks with me being gone.
Yesterday was also Hubby and I's 2 year anniversary, or sorta. We were married on the leap year but normally we celebrate it on the 28th. We decided to head out to the local Renaissance Fair. He'd never been and it'd been a few years for me. The weather was wonderful and we had a great time. Lil' R got to ride on his first pony and seemed to enjoy it; until, he got bored. He also fell asleep in his stroller!! So, we got to spend longer than we expected.
So much happened it seems over the weekend, there is so much to share and tomorrow is the "big" sonogram where we learn the gender of the baby. :)
I've never been to a Ren Faire but I've always wanted to go. We don't have them in the swamp though......good luck today!!!! Its such an exciting appointment!!