Is is the common practice to do at the end of the year I'll reflect a bit on what has happened. 2009 was an alright year for us. It had some great highs and a few lows but nothing I would say made the year "awful" or that I'm happy to see it over.
- This year I got to watch my son go from a baby to a toddler. :)
- Even in the tough economic times I kept my job and we were always able to pay the bills. :)
- We bought out first home. :)
- Had some family difficulties that are still on going. :(
- Have continued to battle fairly severe depression to no outside assistance. Post partum was very difficult and then just when I began to stabilize hormones go for a whirlwind again. :(
- We learned we're expecting baby #2 in July of 2010.
While saying goodbye to 2009 some of my hopes for 2010.
- Pay off all of our credit card debt and finish 2010 with a balance of zero.
- Buy a 2nd car with cash.
- Continue working on the house.
- Move 'Lil R into a 'big boy' room.
- Have a healthy baby #2.
There are loads more things I hope to accomplish in the next year but that's a good start. For now, I hope everyone a Happy New Year!